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Friday 15 April 2011

Binary Clock

In the world there's ten types of people: those who understand binary, & those who do not understand. Those who belong to the latter section (&, therefore, did not understand what is the humor) is probably not worth wasting your time on this novelty. Those who believed that the word "boom" sounds nice, binary clock LED Binary Watch may well come to mind. Of work, LED Binary Watch - this is not the first wristwatch, the dial which is organized this way. Nevertheless, the large majority of these analogues has deliberately futuristic design, which is like it is not all. As for the design of the new items, the key elements is its minimalism embodied in the easy case, as well as in printed circuit board with LEDs, which replaces the dial. The top row of LEDs (with the numbers 8-4-2-1) shows hours, while the lower (one, three, five, 8, 16, 32) is for minutes. To see the time, press the button on the case, then the LED turns on for seconds. The cost of LED Binary Watch is $ 69.
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